August Flach III,
Quarter Master/Past Commander
August Flach was drafted in June of 1968 and served until he was honorably discharged in June 1970 when he was placed on inactive reserve duty for the next four years. He and his family have resided in the Clovis area for thirty years where his sons graduated from the local school district. He spent 40 years managing teams of sales and customer relationship specialists in large-scale corporate environments. He has been dedicated to serving his country and community. He has been an active member in AUSA, and helped coordinate VSOs in support and assistance of local programs.
Rollie Hagen
Bill Rogers
Cristofer Thrailkill
Over the past 34 years, Cristofer has used his technical skills in many different environments. Twenty-one years in the U.S. Navy in shipboard technical support and a classroom instructor. Concurrently, eighteen more years providing technical assistance and creating training material for various programs as a military contractor with the Air Force. As in the Active Navy Reserve, he was able to accomplish both goals.
He is the proud father of three wonderful adult children and the grandfather to two lovely girls. Happily married, his wife Sandy proudly supports him and how he contributes to the community.
Tim LoBretto,
Sr. Vice Commander
AMSC(AW) U.S. NAVY RETIRED )1978-1998) with 20 years of active duty. Deployments on the U.S.S. Constellation (1), U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (2) and U.S.S. Nimitz (2) I served with VRC-50, VA-122, VA-147, VP-22, VFA-147, VFA-22 and VFA-125. I was stationed at NAS Cubi Point Republic of the Philippines, NAS Lemoore CA. and NAS Barbers Point Hawaii. I served two tours in Desert Storm/Shield, one on the Nimitz and one in the Sand. I also deployed to Diego Garcia British Indian Ocean territory with VP-22.
John Schaible
Jr. Vice Commander
John Schaible spent four years in the Navy. trained with the Seals, and served two tours in Vietnam.
After the Navy I spent six years in the Army, Fourth id, 2nd Battalion, 134th infantry, Co B, Mos-11B20 Sgt E5. After leaving the service I served as a Police Officer in Nebraska for 15 years. life member VFW, American Legion, VVA, DAV, NRA. Certified gun smith and commander of Post 3225 Honor Guard.