Usefull Links
VFW National (www.vfw.org)
VFW California (www.vfwca.org)
Clovis Veterans Memorial District (www.cvmdistrict.org)
Fresno County Veterans Service Office (www.fresnocountyca.gov)
VA Hospital - Fresno (www.va.gov)
Central Valley Honor Flight (www.cvhonorflight.org)
Fresno Veterans Center (www.va.gov)
CALVET (calvet.ca.gov)
Vietnam Wall (www.thewall-usa.com)
Veterans Resource Book (www.calvet.ca.gov/vetservices/documents/veter%20resource20book.pdf)
American Forces Travel (www.americanforcestravel.com)
Central Valley Blue Star Moms (centralvalleybluestarmoms.com)
AMC Travis AFB (www.amc.af.mil)
How to file a VA claim training video (www.youtube.com)
Agent Orange Exposure (www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/hazardous-materials-exposure/agent-orange)
To suggest additional links that are useful, please contact us at eagle1@vfw3225.com